Tuesday, March 03, 2015

EBOLA OUTBREAK: As Ebola Wanes, Other Countries Remain Vulnerable

Stop Ebola campaign

Arriving airline passengers lined up outdoors to have their temperatures checked, the screens in the nighttime darkness like glowing lightning bugs.

Some of the travellers checked by workers with surgical masks had traveled through a West African country affected by Ebola, or sat next to passengers who did, and Chadian authorities weren't taking any chances. Impoverished countries like Chad know the only way to stay Ebola-free is to keep any infected people out. If any get in, these countries' health-care systems are unprepared to handle an outbreak, according to a report released Tuesday by Save the Children.

The report said only Somalia is worse prepared than Chad for an epidemic such as Ebola. The charity is urging the international community to improve health care systems in developing countries so they can tackle any threat.

After causing nearly 10,000 recorded deaths, the Ebola epidemic is waning in the three worst-hit countries, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
"As efforts continue to bring the disease under control, we must learn lessons from this crisis urgently - not just for the three countries concerned but for all countries that lack adequate health services," the report said.

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