Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tanzania's Magufuli Scraps Independence Day Celebration

President John Magufuli was sworn in on 5 November (Image credits: Reuters)

Tanzania's newly elected President John Magufuli has cancelled Independence Day celebrations, and has ordered a clean-up campaign instead. "It is so shameful that we are spending huge amounts of money to celebrate 54 years of independence when our people are dying of cholera," he was quoted on state television as saying.

Cholera has killed about 60 people in Tanzania in the last three months.

Tanzania achieved independence from the UK on 9 December 1961.

BBC News report continues:
Mr Magufuli's party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), has governed since then, winning a new mandate in elections last month.

Correspondents say many people have welcomed Mr Magufuli's announcement, as it shows his commitment to ending lavish spending and tackling the cholera outbreak which has caused widespread concern.
But it remains to be seen whether people will heed his call to spend Independence Day cleaning up their residential areas and work-places, they say.

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